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Common Watering Issues: Signs and SolutionsUpdated 5 months ago

Proper watering is crucial for cannabis plants. Here are common issues, their signs, and solutions:

1. Overwatering


  • Drooping, wilting leaves
  • Yellowing of top foliage
  • Brown leaf edges
  • Cupping and curling of leaves


  • Allow soil to (almost) dry between waterings
  • Reduce watering frequency

2. Underwatering


  • Papery thin leaves
  • Drooping
  • Overall yellowing
  • Limpness and lifelessness


  • Regularly check soil moisture
  • Increase watering frequency

3. pH Problems

Maintaining proper pH is crucial, especially in non-soil mediums.

Optimal pH Ranges:

  • Soil: 6.3 – 6.8
  • Coco and Hydro: 5.5 – 6.1


  • Regularly test and adjust pH of water/nutrient solution
  • Use pH up/down products as needed

4. Bad Drainage


  • Water pooling on soil surface
  • Pot remains wet and heavy for extended periods
  • Foul smell
  • Signs of overwatering


  1. Clear drainage holes
  2. Add perlite to soil for better aeration
  3. Water more frequently with less volume per session

Key Takeaways

  1. Monitor plants regularly for signs of watering issues
  2. Adjust watering practices based on plant responses and growing medium
  3. Maintain proper pH levels for optimal nutrient uptake
  4. Ensure good drainage to prevent root problems

Remember, it's easier to recover from underwatering than overwatering. When in doubt, it's often better to wait an extra day before watering again.

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